The magic tablet

The concept
A magic pellet that swells with water and unfolds into a biodegradable hot wipe made of bamboo and wood fibers.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
A traditional experience
This unique experience is based on a traditional Asian practice which values the presentation of the refreshing towel - called "Oshibori" in Japan - used in Bali to welcome.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Original gift for a loved one
Free delivery
- The ideal gift to give to a loved one
- A warm welcome for your guests during a meal at home
- The secret of a successful welcome cocktail
- A good support for skin care
The zen magic pastille won the 2007 Grand Prix De l'Innovation at SIRHA - the International Catering, Hotel and Food Trade Fair - in the hygiene and maintenance category (popularized under Tissu®).
- Biodegradable in less than 4 weeks
- Composed of 50% bamboo fibers and 50% wood fibers
- Accompanied by a 100% pure and natural essential oil to flavor the mixture
- Hypoallergenic
The "Discovery" gift box includes:
- A traditional bamboo support
- A 100ml mixing bottle
- A bag of 100 biodegradable magic pastilles
- A 100% pure and natural essential oil of your choice (lemon, lavender, sweet orange)
- A traditional wooden and shavings box for elegant gift wrapping